This feature will focus on educators who are using Epicenter and are making a difference in their communities. Located in the North Star State, Novation Education Opportunities (NEO) is a leading authorizer of innovative, diverse, and effective charter schools throughout Minnesota. While the Mall of America, hockey, and snow might be the first thing […]
Back to School Refresher!
With the start of school just around the corner, we thought we would quickly highlight the main features of Epicenter. If there is a feature you are not using and would like to learn more about, or you just want a refresher before the school bell rings, contact us and we would be happy to […]
Did you know?
Did you know that there is a “Board Packet” feature found in the overview tab of Board Center? This feature makes it easy to access materials from previous meetings. When enabled by a System Administrator, the Board Packet area allows board members – and others with access to the Board Center – to view and […]
Welcoming our newest partner!
Welcome to Epicenter! North Central Ohio Educational Service Center The North Central Ohio Educational Service Center (NCOESC) has sponsored schools in Ohio for six years. They currently sponsor fourteen conversion schools around the state. The NCOESC is committed to excellence as they strive to become a sponsor recognized for adherence to high quality authorizing practices […]
Webinar Video: The Value of Epicenter with Jim Goenner
James N. Goenner, Ph.D., founding team member of Epicenter and founder of the National Charter Schools Institute, talks about the purpose, benefits, and value of this powerful software for educational teams. Created for the January 2015 release webinar audience. [responsive_vid].