Due to popular demand, we are excited to announce that we will be hosting webinars for System Administrators to help prepare their Epicenter for 2017-18. During this webinar, we will cover a checklist of actions that we recommend completing to ensure another successful year. These actions include, but are not limited to: Reviewing Active User […]
The Power of Discussion Notes
Epicenter provides not only a means to track and store documents but also a place to house discussion notes on a board, board member, management organization, or a school. For example, a field representative can use Epicenter to record notes or follow-ups while visiting a school. The field rep can subscribe to any notes written […]
Epicenter Working to Make the New Missouri Charter Public School Commission a Success
The Missouri Charter Public School Commission (MCPSC) is approximately two years old but they are already having a positive impact on education. Their commissioners were appointed in September 2014 and Robbyn Wahby was hired as the Executive Director in May 2015. They sponsored their first school in October 2015 and that school opened in August. […]
Did you know?
Did you know that you can now update file submissions as long as they are in Edit Mode? A file uploaded will remain in Edit Mode until the Due Date (compliance submission only) or the Submission Status has changed since it was first uploaded. Check out this new feature added in our Holiday Release.
JAN 2017: Meet Our Newest Partners!
We would like to welcome the following organizations to Epicenter! We are excited about these new partnerships and look forward to sharing our passion for improving the quality of education for all children. Alameda County Office of Education: Charter Schools Office Alameda County serves East Bay communities in the greater San Francisco – Bay Area. […]
2016 Holiday Release!
Join us for an Upcoming Webinar on the Epicenter 2016 Holiday Release! Time with those who matter most is a gift. This holiday season, we’re making sure you have more of it. That’s why our team has been hard at work to upgrade Epicenter with new features that keep your schedule in mind. Join our […]
Present for the Holidays
Your time is important. And there’s never enough of it. That’s why Epicenter will be upgraded with new features with your schedule in mind. With the ability to edit and track document changes, you’ll be more self-sufficient. New abilities to schedule reoccurring requirements will help you plan more efficiently. New file storage capacities make it […]
Empowering Diverse Organizations for Greatness
Though Epicenter is rooted in empowering authorizers and operators with the tools for effective portfolio and performance management, Epicenter’s power can and is now being harnessed by financing and development partners that make it possible for school founders to turn their dreams into reality. These organizations, such as HighMark School Development, have experienced how Epicenter simplifies and […]
Did you know?
Did you know that you can quickly view all 2016-2017 compliance requirements by selecting School under a school’s name on the Statistics Dashboard in Compliance Center?
Through CARSNet, Epicenter is Assisting Small Authorizers in California
The Charter Authorizers Regional Support Network (CARSNet) is a project of the Alameda County Office of Education. CARSNet is funded by a U.S. Department of Education’s Charter Schools Program National Leadership Activities Grant, which was awarded in March 2015. CARSNet has a three-year grant and their mission is to train and support charter authorizers in […]